A magical thing happened yesterday. Automatically, several dozen invoices...
A Day In The Life Articles
All good things must come to an end
Yesterday, I wrapped up the last week of my IGNITE Design Business...
Collaboration for the win
I live in a really small, rural town in Kansas. 650 people live here....
All good things must come to an end
Yesterday, I wrapped up the last week of my IGNITE Design Business Academy. Whew! This was my fifth cohort of the Academy. I love teaching all the content. The lessons come directly out of the hard lessons I've learned as a design business owner. It includes all the...
All good things must come to an end
Yesterday, I wrapped up the last week of my IGNITE Design Business Academy. Whew! This was my...
Collaboration for the win
I live in a really small, rural town in Kansas. 650 people live here. Some of the locals refer to...
Coming back for more
When I was in Paris with my family a couple of weeks ago, we found an amazing bakery. It is...
Let’s Keep Dancing
I received several emails from one of my clients today. My client is excited to be exhibiting at a...