1. start simple 2. get fancy later 3. if necessary (you may never get to #3) A great reminder this morning from a friend of mine (Cody)… No matter what you’re doing, but especially if you’re a business owner, many of us tend to set unrealistic...
Since drinking espresso in several coffee shops in Paris a few weeks ago, I think I’m turning into a bit of a coffee snob. The coffee at our local convenience store doesn’t even temp me any more. I’ve traded in K-Cups and Folgers for freshly-ground...
Hey friend, Need some help growing your design business? 2 things to put on your calendar: I’m hosting another free “value call” on Wednesday, 9/18 at 11 am CST. Bring your design business-building questions and register for the free call here. Next...
Everything good in life should have been done earlier. …Spending quality time with friends and family. …Taking care of your health. …Treating your business like a CEO, not a hobby. I got really serious about my design business ten years ago. My life...
I was scrolling Twitter while watching a classic re-run of Psych, and this post stopped me in my tracks: “Smart people study what’s changing. Really smart people study what never changes.” Do you ever hear something and think, “That’s what I’ve...