Written by Mat Casner

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Find Your Skill Set & Unleash Your Freelance Superpowers

Mindset & Strategy | 0 comments

It’s hard to believe it’s September already! If you’re like me, you’re getting the kids off to school (or online to school) and wondering where the summer went. It’s a time of discovery and new beginnings, a perfect time to reflect on how you might expand your business or start a freelance business by discovering your hidden skill set. Once you find your skill set, it will become clear on how you can best help solve people’s problems and drive demand for your services.

Read on to find out more, or click the video below for my Facebook Live training!

We ALL possess a unique skill set that is valuable to a customer somewhere. The first step in order to find your skill set is recognizing our abilities and identifying the problems you can solve using your combination of hard and soft skills. Keep in mind…

Sometimes our most powerful skills are ones we acquire by accident.

For example, my oldest daughter, Hannah, is a year away from graduating from college and was recently working in an office where her boss didn’t know how to fix a software issue. Having grown up in a house where her father (me) was a tech nerd she was able to swoop in and fix the software, amazing her boss. Hannah was also amazed, not realizing she had a skill that was a secret superpower!

We often discount what we know and don’t think about how our knowledge can be part of our skill set.

Your turn! Grab a pen and paper and think about all the things you’ve learned in your different jobs. Identify not only the hard skills which are teachable and measurable but also the soft skills which are more interpersonal. Soft skills include things like punctuality, etiquette, and a positive attitude. As a freelancer, we get to draw on ALL our skills that combine to make a significant impact on the way we serve our clients.

Remember: Skill sets are not only the things you can do but about the problems you solve

Many people get this wrong on the resume. They list the tools they use, but what if they reframe their skills as not just things they do, but problems they can solve with those skills? When we solve problems for our clients, that’s where the money comes in. People will pay to have their problems solved all day long! If you can solve a specific problem you can make a client for life.

When you find a client who allows you to combine your skills, talent, experience, and passions (s.t.e.p.) and do meaningful work, that’s when the superpower will emerge that clients will pay for again and again!

Want guidance in using your skillset to get started Freelancing? Head on over to my Facebook page www.facebook.com/matcasner, where I keep up to date information on my FREE freelance coffee chats & weekly freelance trainings, launches, and more. See you there!

When you find a client who allows you to combine your skills, talent, experience, and passions (s.t.e.p.) and do meaningful work, that’s when the superpower will emerge that clients will pay for again and again!

When you find a client who allows you to combine your skills, talent, experience, and passions (s.t.e.p.) and do meaningful work, that’s when the superpower will emerge that clients will pay for again and again!


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