Written by Mat Casner

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Kissing on the first date-part 2

A Day In The Life | 0 comments

What you might have missed in yesterday’s email

The story “Kiss on the first date” continues…

I had a prospective client in my office recently who had a large web project to bid.

This person was new in their job and was struggling with the scope of the project.

When they asked me for a ballpark estimate.

Based on what I knew of the project, the price range I gave them was very large.

I knew with a price range that large, there was a slim chance I would have a shot at the job.

So, I offered this solution to him.

I invited him to a 2-hour strategy session with me for $500.

In this 2-hour strategy session, I told him that he and I would sit down and completely uncover the scope of his project.

At the end of the session, I promised to provide his with a comprehensive scope-of-work document that would allow him to get a get price-accurate bids from other vendors.

No strings attached.

$500 vs. $18,000…

A much smaller risk for him.

Plus, he could get a document that he desperately needed to understand the scope of his project.

He eagerly accepted.

A few days later, we had our 2-hour strategy session together. (second date)

Not only was I able to get paid for doing what I would have done for free years ago,

My client spent two quality hours with me.

I held back no insights or information.

I answered every one of his questions.

He was able to observe my expertise.

There were many a-ah moments.

I had just spent two hours building trust and authority with a potential client.

I reiterated that he was under no obligation to use me or my bid.

He left my office that day relieved that I was able to help him.

Based on the new scope document, he asked me to submit a proposal. (third date)

I’ll be sending it shortly.

To be continued…

Stay tuned,

~ Mat

P.S. Wondering how to build recurring revenue in your design business? I made this for you.

Mat Casner | Freelance CEO, 511 Main Street, Mound City, KS 66056
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