Are you feeling unfulfilled in your current job? Do you have an...
My Skills and Talents Articles
5 Ways to Make More Time for YOU in Your Design Business
5 Ways to Make More Time for YOU in Your Design Business
Pricing Your Freelance Services: 3 Proven Strategies to Help You Earn What You’re Worth
When you think of pricing your freelance services, do you get knots in...
Attracting Ideal Clients, Part 2: Fishing For Clients
What if I told you that fishing for clients was easy? Would you be skeptical? Would you be interested? I talk to freelancers all over the world and no matter what, getting clients is the number one need that freelancers have - and no wonder; without clients, we don’t...
I want to hear from you!
My brain is finally starting to thaw out. The past couple of weeks in Kansas have been really...
Learning from losing
The Super Bowl was hard for me to watch. Actually, as a KC Chiefs fan, the national anthem, the...
Let’s chat freelance wins over coffee together
My main meeting for this morning cancelled so I have a big hole in my calendar. Since it's Friday,...
Join me for a freelance Coffee Chat this Friday!
If you didn't know, I'm a Kansas City Chiefs fan! With the big game coming up this Sunday, I...