Are you feeling unfulfilled in your current job? Do you have an...

Are you feeling unfulfilled in your current job? Do you have an...
Ever since I hosted the Purpose To Profit Design Business Summit last...
Have you ever asked yourself how you can charge premium rates when there...
Are you frustrated with working tirelessly day in and day out, just to make ends meet? You’re probably swamped with projects but the problem is that they’re not worth it because your bank account is just not showing it. Say no to clients who take up all of your time...
My brain is finally starting to thaw out. The past couple of weeks in Kansas have been really...
The Super Bowl was hard for me to watch. Actually, as a KC Chiefs fan, the national anthem, the...
My main meeting for this morning cancelled so I have a big hole in my calendar. Since it's Friday,...
If you didn't know, I'm a Kansas City Chiefs fan! With the big game coming up this Sunday, I...