Written by Mat Casner

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How to Start a Freelance Side Hustle If Your Current Employer Has a Non-compete

Customer Relationship, Side Hustle to Full Time | 0 comments

Is it becoming difficult for you to manage your side hustle with your daily job?

Are you afraid that your company would find out about it, and the repercussions would be too difficult for you to handle?

Maybe the stress of working on two jobs is taking a toll on you?

For an employee, both jobs are crucial but it is difficult to convince the boss about the same. The common thought is that the talent is being utilized in other activities and finding a middle way situation may leave you stressed and anxious.

It may be challenging and time-consuming for you to accomplish both the jobs and to do justice to both, you have to leave any one of them. However, if you are smart and tactful there are ways in which you can combat the problem without any discomfort.

The world economy is expanding and nearly 39% of working Millennial have decided and started their own freelance gig in order to exploit their potential to the maximum.

Even employers seem to have realized that by restraining the workforce in doing so creativity is hampered and reduce the trust they have in each other. Apart from that, there is always a chance for such people to drift off eventually meaning a loss for them.

After all, a person who has the flair to set up an alternative side gig would be passionate, focussed and an asset to the company he is working with.

However, the same thing is not acceptable to a lot of companies who urge their employees to sign a non-compete clause before they start working.

The common thought for such companies is that freelance work may be stopping you from putting your best performance at your regular job.

Let us have a look at 6 of the best ways to start a freelance side hustle:

Be honest

It is always wise to know in advance what your company’s policies are with regard to the non-compete clause. In case you have made it a desire to venture into freelancing you should be clear and honest with them and disclose your desire to them.

You should also let them know that you want to honor the non-compete clause along with the freelancing job that you are doing.

Understanding the non-compete

When you start a job, there are a couple of documents that you have to sign for the company. This includes an Employment contract, Non-disclosure agreement and a non –compete clause.

Before you sign up just read through all the papers to see what kind of restrictions have been imposed. If need be you can take legal help to grasp the technicalities of the document.

Most companies mention clearly if they do not want you to indulge in a freelance side hustle or maybe you can do so after a stipulated period of employment is over. It is better if you go through the essential points because if the company gets to know of your engagement later it might cause trouble.

Explore clients

Obviously, you cannot start a side hustle where your full-time employer has already set up base. Neither can you encroach upon the clients that they are working with.

You would have to find out a specific location or area from where you can receive clients that would help you settle up your business. There would be a specific set of services that you are offering and you should have done adequate research to know the potential that the market holds for you.

Failure to do so would mean that unknowingly you might end up encroaching your existing employers and the results of the same can be really damaging.

Set up your niche

You know very well that having a similar set of skills is not a very good idea. Find out which niche you would want to focus on. In case there is a conflict of interest you can always show that you were not exactly coming in their area of work.

If you are able to prove your point the company might just excuse you and let you pursue further without any hassles.

Respect your employer

Upon setting up your business do not start treating your company like a burden you have to bear. Your employer has been supporting you rather well and it is best if you return the favor.

It is quite possible that in the future when you make your business permanent the same employer becomes a strong client for you. Your ignorance and attitude at this time might force them to take a legal stand against you a situation you would not want.

Using the company’s resources

Always remember that the company’s resources cannot and should not be used to pursue your side businesses. Mostly they keep an eye on what their employees are doing in their past time. Apart from that, it is quite unethical if you use their resources to complete your freelance jobs.

This means that the company’s laptop, stationery, printing supplies, and other stuff should not be used for your job. Ensure that you complete your odd jobs in the evening at home so that you cannot be accused of exploiting the company in any form.

Having a side hustle with your regular job is not a crime provided you keep all the legal aspects of the contract into consideration. When you have a side hustle to back you, it is quite easy to turn into a full-time business and bid adieu to regular work hours.

This transition can be accomplished only if you treat your job with the same respect as you do to your side hustle.

Learn to manage time and resources well and achieve a balance between both the jobs. Even if there is one point where the company questions you over the same, you can always convince them about your clear intentions.

By adhering to the company’s contract guidelines you ensure that you are not pulled up for any wrongdoing later on.

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