Written by Mat Casner

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Freelance CEO Podcast
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Checkered Flag Friday

A Day In The Life | 0 comments

It’s Friday!

You made it!

It doesn’t matter if you barreled through the checkered flag…

Or slid in sideways with windblown hair and smoking tires.

Trophies and pole positions are great, but they don’t happen every day.

We don’t measure longterm success as business owners in the number of trophies we accumulate.

It’s the number of days we stay in the race.

It’s becoming better than we were yesterday.

It’s building a business that can endure.

What is one win that you can share from your week?

(keeping all 4 tires on the car is a win)

Leave a comment and share your win with me.

I’m cheering you on!

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