Written by Mat Casner

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Freelance CEO Podcast
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A magical thing happened yesterday

A Day In The Life | 0 comments

A magical thing happened yesterday.

Automatically, several dozen invoices were sent to my clients.

In total, more than $10K in invoices.

Many of my clients have auto-payment setup for their invoices.

The money is already heading toward my bank account.

It’s only the 2nd of September.

And guess what?

The same thing will happen in October.

Then, in November.

And December.

How does this magic happen?

These invoices are long-term relationships that I’ve built with my branding, web and graphic design clients.

They don’t just pay me for the project.

They pay me every month…

On autopilot.

Most freelancers are living gig to gig.

And the stress can be exhausting and stressful.

Few designers know how to build real recurring, predictable income in their business.

This is exactly what I teach inside my IGNITE Design Business Academy.

And, I’m currently offering a Flash Sale where you can get the next version of the Academy bundled inside my Design Business Accelerator Membership for only $57/mo.

The Flash Sale is over this Friday at midnight central.

After that, you’ll have to pay well over $1000 for the same training.

Here’s what Lucy, one of our former Accelerator students, had to say about her Accelerator experience.

“Working with Mat has completely transformed both my business and the way I think of myself as a freelancer. I knew I had some design skills and a strong work ethic, but I didn’t know where to invest my time, what to charge, or how to find new clients. I’ve been working with Mat for 2 months, and I now have a full schedule, I’m turning clients away, and have nearly doubled my hourly rate. Save yourself the time and trouble of reinventing the wheel—every meeting with IGNITE pays for itself many times over!

What would $500, $1000 or $2500 in guaranteed income mean to you and your business each month?

Think you might be stressed a little bit less?

That’s how it was for me.

What do you say?

Are you ready to make your business less stressful?

Join me inside the Accelerator

I’d love to welcome you into my business family.

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