Written by Mat Casner

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Freelance CEO Podcast
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A years worth of profit planning for two large pizzas

A Day In The Life | 0 comments

In the small little town where I live, Casey’s General Store is a popular place.

It’s a great place to get gas, but they’ve become famous for their pizza.

And, I’m particularly fond of Casey’s taco pizza.

In fact, there are some leftovers setting in the fridge right now.

Lunch tomorrow?

I think Yes! 🙂

Enough talk about food.

Next week, I’m hosting a brand-new workshop on how to pre-load your 2025 with revenue-generating activities.

We’ll do all the thinking now, so in 2025, you can just follow the plan.

​This is the same system I created and used to grow my revenue this year.

But, instead of filling your head with information…

We’ll fill your calendar with things that make you money while putting your personal priorities first.

That way, when you look back 12 months from now, you’ll have spent more time doing what you love and less time working hard.

But there’s a twist…

Instead of charging $100, $200, or even $500 for this workshop…

You can get this workshop for the price of two Casey’s specialty pizzas.

Attend the workshop now, and have a pizza party once you’ve planned out next years revenue.

That’s a lot of tasty goodness and profit for you and your business.


You can pre-load your 2025 and enjoy a laidback holiday season knowing you’re all set up for success next year…

Click here to join, and I’ll see ya next week.​

~ Mat “Pass the Taco Sauce” Casner

Mat Casner | Freelance CEO, 511 Main Street, Mound City, KS 66056
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