Written by Mat Casner

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Add recurring and passive revenue to your business in 2025

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I remember the first web design client that I sold web hosting to.

I was scared.

I was committing to keeping a client’s website up after the design was done.

But, I had worked with web hosting companies for years.

I had managed my own site’s web hosting for over 10 years.

I could have opted to just build the client’s website, and let them worry about the hosting.

But, two things were apparent.

My clients needed web hosting.

And, my clients trusted me.

Adding web hosting to my menu of services was a calculated risk.

So, in 2006, I purchased a reseller account with a web host and started reselling hosting.

Years later, this has proved to be a stoke of genius.

My web hosting service revenues have eclipsed my web design revenues by a staggering percentage.

The benefits of my web hosting business has been…

Consistent monthly cash flow into my business.

And, a high-profit, low-time revenue source.

Since then, I’ve added over a dozen passive and recurring revenue streams into my business.

And, I have a training called the “6-Figure Design Business Plan” that I’m going to give away at the 2025 Profit Planner Workshop that I’m hosting next Tuesday.

I will help you create a business with new passive and recurring revenue streams for your business.

Then, we’re going to take your personalized business plan that you’ll create during the workshop and I’ll show you how to map it out over the next 12 months.

You’ll leave the workshop with a roadmap and a strategy to make 2025 your most profitable year yet.

I’m so pumped for all of the new revenue streams that are going to be uncovered during next Tuesday’s Profit Planner Workshop.

Grab your seat now!

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