Written by Mat Casner

let’s connect

Freelance CEO Podcast
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Are you guessing and stressing?

A Day In The Life | 0 comments

Does self-promotion leave a bad taste in your mouth?

Do you feel slimy when you have to have a sales conversation?

Are you scared that the next job isn’t coming anytime soon?

(raising my hand)

Yes, yes and yes.

This was totally me when I started my design business.

I love people, but I hate selling.

I love to design, but I hate putting myself out there.

I also like to buy groceries… and put gas in my car.

Without good, consistent work coming into our business, we can’t pay our bills.

And the stress that goes with it is the worst.

So, if you don’t find a way to systematically bring in new work…

You are just guessing and stressing.

Who wants that?

Next Monday, I’m going to show you my proven process for making sales that are…





And, my process won’t leave you stressing and guessing about where your next project is coming from.

Grab your ticket while there’s still time.

You can register here.

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