It’s Halloween. My wife, Regi, and I spent some time this evening, walking our dog, Maya, around the neighborhood earlier this evening. Kids were already out in droves with their parents canvasing the streets. I made a little observation as they walked the...
Our family dog is a healthy Husky. Her name is Maya. Here’s a photo of cute, little Maya from several years ago right after we got her. She’s still cute, but no longer little. She’s a healthy 35 lbs. And, in case you didn’t know. Huskys have a...
I wrapped up another birthday last week. Number 52. It’s just a number, but as I get older, my birthday provides a great opportunity for reflection and gratitude. My family and so many friends helped to make it a special day/week for me. I was able to see each...
Recently, my daughter, Hannah, called my wife. She let her know that our son-in-law—we call him Q—was going to be out of town for a couple of days. Hannah invited us to visit to spend some time with her and our 10-month-old granddaughter. Duh… Of course we said...
I have adopted more of a laidback business in the past few years. And, I love the pace of my work/life balance. But, lately, requests for my time to do some great project work has come in from every direction. And, as such, the past couple of days have been busy....