I live in a really small, rural town in Kansas. 650 people live here. Some of the locals refer to our town as Mayberry. I think it’s a fair comparison. In all the best ways. Our family moved here in 2001. I started my freelance design business here in 2006. Let...
When I was in Paris with my family a couple of weeks ago, we found an amazing bakery. It is called Maison Marquise. Just a 10 minute walk from our lodging. The food… amazing and fresh. The physical space… clean, bright and beautiful. The staff…...
I received several emails from one of my clients today. My client is excited to be exhibiting at a trade show this week with new marketing tools I created for them. A re-imagined corporate brand… A brand for a new product that they are revealing at the trade...
I’m so proud of my kids. They’ve all learned the value of hard work, integrity and service. I received a call from my youngest daughter around noon today. She and her sister are wrapping up their first week of their fall college semester. My youngest...
I had the experience of a lifetime in 2018. My oldest daughter and I took a 10-day father-daughter trip to Pyeongchang, South Korea for the Winter Olympic Games. It was such a special time. I’ll never get another one like it. We made some amazing memories...