When you think of pricing your freelance services, do you get knots in your stomach and want to throw your arms up in exasperation? You’re not alone. I’ve been freelancing full-time for 15 years, and pricing has always been a stress point, especially getting started....
What if I told you that fishing for clients was easy? Would you be skeptical? Would you be interested? I talk to freelancers all over the world and no matter what, getting clients is the number one need that freelancers have – and no wonder; without clients, we...
You have the skills. You have the desire. But without clients….well, your business just isn’t a business! Yet attracting clients, especially the right clients, can be a challenge.This post outlines the first and most important step you need to take in order to attract...
What if I told you that as a graphic designer, you have some amazing opportunities right now to make money while you sleep? It may sound too good to be true, but for a freelancer used to trading hours for dollars, passive income can be a powerful tool, allowing...
So you’ve already got your client and you’re starting to serve them well. But does your current strategy leave money on the table? Not sure? Listen up – I’ll show you how to pick up that money off the table and put it in your pocket with cross-sells and upsells...