5 Lessons Learned from My First Freelance Project

Each of us have an origin story. I don’t share mine very often. But today’s email comes from an older blog I wrote that explains my origin story as a freelancer. I think the lessons I learned are still relevant. When I got my first freelance project, there...

Seasons Change

It’s warmer than 55 degrees today.Just two weeks ago, we were in single digits.Next week is forecasted to be cold again.But for today, I’m wearing shorts!In Kansas, we joke that if you want the weather to change,Just wait a day.Today was a reminder that...

Free chips and salsa

My wife and I took a break today from work to grab lunch together at a great Mexican restaurant in our small town.It was extra busy today.As soon as we sit down, we know what comes next.Free chips and salsa are delivered to our table just a moment later.(I always ask...

Can I answer your question?

Happy Friday! We made it. Congratulations! I’m glad for a little break. It’s been a busy week. But, nothing major is going on tonight. My wife and I are working on some side projects while watching Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. We’ve seen it so...

My 150th Daily Email

Whether you have been following me for a few days or a few years. Welcome… If you’re new, I’m glad you’re here. If you’ve been with me for a long while, you know I haven’t always sent emails very consistently. This email marks a...