Written by Mat Casner

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Free chips and salsa

A Day In The Life | 0 comments

My wife and I took a break today from work to grab lunch together at a great Mexican restaurant in our small town.

It was extra busy today.

As soon as we sit down, we know what comes next.

Free chips and salsa are delivered to our table just a moment later.

(I always ask for the hotter salsa!)

Our waitress takes our order and we wait while our dishes are being prepared.

The wait doesn’t seem quite as long while we have the free appetizer.

It’s a free bonus.

It costs the restaurant very little

But, the free chips and salsa is a great perk.

It gets us in the door and a seat at a table.

We can do this in our businesses too.

Before a potential client buys a product or service…

Offer them something to whet their appetite.

A low-cost tool, a process or piece of value.

Something that helps them get a small win…

It gives them a chance to taste (and trust) your expertise.

They feel like their getting a bonus.

And makes the real sale easier because they’re already happily sitting at your table.

Give it a try and let me know how it works for you.

You’ve got this,

~ Mat “bring me the hot salsa please” Casner

Mat Casner | Freelance CEO, 511 Main Street, Mound City, KS 66056
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