If you want to grow and scale your freelance business, it’s time to stop...
Branding & Marketing Articles
Using Powerful Stories to Promote Yourself and Your Freelance Business
If you think using powerful stories to promote yourself is the same as...
Free Summit for Designers: 2 Bonuses for Pre-Registering
Use the Clubhouse app for networking in your freelance business.
Using Powerful Stories to Promote Yourself and Your Freelance Business
If you think using powerful stories to promote yourself is the same as using testimonials, read on and find out why this strategy can be so effective without making you feel cringey. As freelancers, it's imperative to sell ourselves in order to attract clients; but...
All good things must come to an end
Yesterday, I wrapped up the last week of my IGNITE Design Business Academy. Whew! This was my...
Collaboration for the win
I live in a really small, rural town in Kansas. 650 people live here. Some of the locals refer to...
Coming back for more
When I was in Paris with my family a couple of weeks ago, we found an amazing bakery. It is...
Let’s Keep Dancing
I received several emails from one of my clients today. My client is excited to be exhibiting at a...