How to Start Freelancing: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners I began my...

How to Start Freelancing: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners I began my...
Ever since I hosted the Purpose To Profit Design Business Summit last...
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...I had just...
If you're a freelancer or you're thinking about becoming one, one thing is for certain - clients are essential! Don’t have clients yet? It's time to start marketing! In my article last week I covered the five stages of marketing, the first being "awareness",...
The Super Bowl was hard for me to watch. Actually, as a KC Chiefs fan, the national anthem, the...
My main meeting for this morning cancelled so I have a big hole in my calendar. Since it's Friday,...
If you didn't know, I'm a Kansas City Chiefs fan! With the big game coming up this Sunday, I...
Each of us have an origin story. I don't share mine very often. But today's email comes from an...