Written by Mat Casner

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Freelancing in a Pandemic: 3 Reasons Not to Worry

Mindset & Strategy, Side Hustle to Full Time | 0 comments

We’ve been living with the pandemic for eight months now, a continuous slog that can sometimes feel like eternity. I’ve spoken several times about business mindset during this challenging period. But now it’s time to focus on more practical business strategies for freelancing in a pandemic.

Corporate America has seen huge shifts and changes because of Covid-19, creating an enormous home-based workforce. I’ve watched many organizations have to cut back or pivot, but I’ve also witnessed people coming out of their 9 to 5 jobs and find ways to make a profitable side hustle, or even replace their income with their new freelance careers altogether! 

It seems we have shifted from the “shake-up stage” to a more “settled-in stage” of the pandemic. With this in mind, it’s time to shift our own actions from reacting to a bad situation to being proactive and recognizing business opportunities that are presenting themselves right now. We need to elevate our thinking beyond this being a crisis (which it is), but also realize things are happening around us and we need to stay sharp and look for hidden opportunities in the midst of the chaos – and there are many!

Here are 3 things to consider as we continue in the new normal of freelancing in a pandemic. (Click to watch my video below or scroll to keep reading.) 

Experience is Invaluable

With the huge shift in the labor market from offices to home, you’ve already got a huge leg up! I’ve been freelancing for 15 years so while there were changes in the way my family and friends functioned on a day-to-day basis, there really wasn’t a big change in the way I worked! 

If you were a freelancer before the pandemic, you’ve already got the skills to work independently while being productive. Plus, you know the systems and have experience with the systems needed to work remotely, those same systems that people are struggling to implement into their businesses now that many are forced to work online!

Freelance Opportunities are Booming

I mentioned that I have witnessed a groundswell of online business owners trying to get their ideas off the ground. They are in desperate need of knowledgeable people who can help them launch. From writing to tech, to business systems, there are opportunities everywhere for us to connect with small businesses and help them.

Now, you’ll probably have to find several of these clients. Even as brick and mortar stores go online, these retail owners need an online way to keep their businesses alive and need help from professionals like you, who can help them pivot.

Do Not Sit Still

Get out there and start networking. Talk to your friends who have businesses and start offering yourself as an expert. You can help, and they will thank you! I encourage you to network at your local chamber of commerce and other local business groups. Being a trusted community member, it’s a win, win to help your neighborhood businesses!

Friends, there are opportunities out there for freelancing in a pandemic. In this time of crisis, we may have a displaced workforce and a shifting landscape to maneuver, but we also have the opportunity to help those who are struggling to launch or pivot their business. Don’t let these circumstances pass you by – you are poised to make a difference and serve others!

Are you a podcast fan? Want help to launch, grow and scale a profitable freelance business? You’re in luck! I’m starting a brand new Marketing for Freelancers Podcast coming soon to a podcasting platform near you. Join the list and be the first to know when an episode drops. Sign up at www.freelanceceo.com/podcast. You can also keep up to date by visiting my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/matcasner.

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