Written by Mat Casner

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3 Goal Setting Strategies for Freelance Businesses

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How to Look Back to Set Goals for Your Business

Do you wonder how to set goals for your freelance business, even when you’re feeling frustrated and times are tough? Here I’ve included three reasons why looking in the rearview mirror might be the best way to keep moving forward.

When I was in college, I was working part-time in an education company’s marketing department. As chance would have it, one evening my friend had an errand that required him to stop by the CEO’s house – a million-dollar property the likes of which I’d never been in, and I was immediately captivated.

[Scroll down to read more, or watch me talk about why we should look back to move forward on the video below]

We were only there a few minutes, but I had an interaction with the CEO that has stayed with me until this day. While waiting for my friend I was engaging in casual chit-chat with the big boss. At a pause in the conversation, he turned to me and said, “Mat, let me give you a piece of advice. Never stop learning.” 

Coming from a very accomplished gentleman with a Ph.D., those words have stuck with me to this day. I can still hear him saying it, and it punctuates why I think it’s so important to reflect on our set-backs as well as the triumphs, both of which define who we become as business people. 

3 Ways Examining the Past Helps Us Think Ahead in Business

1. Mistakes are learning opportunities

Mistakes are only negative when we don’t learn from them! Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. This only happens if we don’t reflect. Instead, it’s good to look back at mistakes and apply them as wisdom for the future. Knowing what deosn’t work is as important as knowing what works when it comes to thinking ahead in business.

2. Reflecting can inspire us

When we’re having imposter syndrome and self-defeating thoughts that kill our confidence, looking back at those past victories can help squash those negative voices. Here’s an exercise that can help: write down all your skills and all the people you’ve served in the past. Realize there have been moments when you can make a difference! And you can again!

3. Looking back provides perspective

As we get older it gets easier to look back and see our story unfolding. If you’re like me, you probably see significant milestones (good and not so good). This gives us a perspective on the past and hope for the future. Maybe you’ll even see some grit and tenacity you forgot you had.

Regardless of who you are or your experience, remember the story of your life is so important. It may not be perfect, it might be filled with trial and challenge, but it’s unique and makes you, you! And by learning from our past mistakes, you can help others.

Today we have an opportunity to write the next page in our own story. I encourage you to take the good, the bad and the wisdom you have, and apply it to the present moment. You have what it takes to move forward!

For more about how to uplevel your freelancing game, be sure to head over to my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/matcasner.

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