Written by Mat Casner

let’s connect

Freelance CEO Podcast
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Hey Mats… What are you up to?

A Day In The Life | 0 comments

Hey Mats,

Today was another full day.

Working on three client bids and posting recordings in the Recurring Revenue School Skool group.

But I’m bundled up.

There was a little change of scenery from last week because the ice and snow are still everywhere.

Note: the older I get, the less I like cold.

I did my best to stay warm, and the space heater and hoodie helps.

But MAN…is it cold in Kansas!

You know what I’ve been working on.

Now, I’d love to hear from you.

We’re halfway through January.

Tell me what you’re working on.

Any specific client projects or maybe business-related work?

Just hit reply and let me know.

I read/respond to every email.

I’m all ears Mats!

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