Written by Mat Casner

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Freelance CEO Podcast
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How I’m building a simple, profitable business.

A Day In The Life | 0 comments

I was chatting yesterday with one of my mentors.

We haven’t talked in several months.

And visiting with him is always an encouragement for me.

During our conversation, I thought about the One Word that I chose for myself for 2024.

That word is “simple”.

I picked that word about this time last year.

It has been a word that helped me to simplify my business.

This time last year, my business was going great.

But I was all over the place.

I was busy, but not as productive as I wanted to be.

I realized I needed to bring more focus and alignment to my business.

But, as 2024 began, I realized that simplification needed to start with my mindset.

I had to realize I was chasing too many good ideas.

Instead of focusing and building around what was already working well.

Simplifying my business helped me to do a better job of eliminating distractions.

It helped to identify the most profitable parts of my business.

And start to find ways to maximize those efforts.

Now, in Q3 of 2024, I’m starting to look back and see the benefits of simplification.

I’m excited to continue to down the road of greater simplicity.

But now, I’m contemplating the One Word that I will adopt for 2025.

I don’t know what that word is yet.

But, I will let you know what I choose.

So, let me ask you.

Did you have a word for 2024?

Will you pick a word for 2025?

Hit reply and let me know.

In my opinion, it’s a much more productive practice than resolutions.

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