Written by Mat Casner

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How me and my design business survived a scary month of COVID

A Day In The Life | 0 comments

I’ve had COVID (verified) two times.

The first case was in May 2020.

It was fairly mild and short-lived.

But, summer 2021, was a different story.

I caught the Delta variant.

I felt bad for about 3 weeks.

Then, I took a turn for the worse.

I started having trouble breathing.

My hair started falling out.

After a trip to the ER, we learned there were no hospital beds in our area.

So, they sent me back home and ordered an oxygen tank from home health.

Week 4, all I could do was lay in bed or the couch with the breathing tube under my nose.

I had never been this sick before.

I had no energy.

I had not worked a day in the past 4 weeks.

While lying on the couch, I started having very dark and sobering thoughts.

What happens if I don’t bounce back from this?

What will happen to my family?

What will happen to my business?

My wife sent emails to my clients, explaining my situation.

My clients were all concerned and supportive.

My wife and kids were a ton of help and so encouraging.

I’m unsure how much Body Amour I drank, but it was a ton.

Thankfully, after about a week, I was able to start weaning myself off of the oxygen.

But, my lung capacity was greatly diminished.

I was still fighting chronic fatigue and immense brain fog.

My slow uphill recovery had begun.

For the next 4 months, I only worked half days.

I took huge naps.

COVID left it’s mark on me, and so many others.

Many who weren’t as fortunate as myself.

And, it took me close to 6 months to get back to 90% normal.

Through the entire process, I found myself expressing immense gratitude.

Grateful for a supportive and caring family.

Grateful for the chance to fight back and get healthy.

Grateful for a business of recurring revenue that I had built over the years that was sustaining me and my family.

Financially, it was tight, but we survived.

We had enough recurring revenue coming into our account each month to pay bills and stay afloat.

I wasn’t working, but money was fortunately still coming in.

While I was healing over that 6 month period, I wasn’t stressed about finding work or completing projects.

I worked when I could.

I still took daily naps.

I could not have predicted—years ago—the impact recurring revenue would have in my business.

It literally made my design business COVID-proof.

Next Tuesday, I’m hosting a workshop called the 2025 Profit Planner.

And, part of the workshop, I want to help you plan and prepare your business for recurring revenue.

If you don’t have recurring revenue in your business, you need this workshop.

If you want more recurring revenue in your business, you need this workshop.

If you want to start 2025 with a plan and strategy to pandemic-proof your business…

you need this workshop.

Recurring revenue takes time to build in a business, but you know that they say…

“The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago…

The next best time to plant a tree is today.”

I want your business to be a blessing to you when bad times come.

Grab your seat now.

~Mat “hope for the best…prepare for the worst” Casner

Mat Casner | Freelance CEO, 511 Main Street, Mound City, KS 66056
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