Written by Mat Casner

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How to turn your freelance clients into raving fans (and get more referrals)

Customer Relationship, Mindset & Strategy | 0 comments

Let’s talk about taking a client and turning them into a radical fan. 

NOTE: If you wanna hear more ideas and answers related to this post, check out this post in our free Facebook group. We’ve got people sharing ideas on how they provide value to their clients in ways that doesn’t take a lot of effort but provides big impact.

I know you deal with customers. I deal with customers too, and sometimes it seems like the relationship between you and them is great.

But, sometimes it’s just okay.

We all want to be loved

We should always want our customer to come to us when they need help. As a freelancer, we want that customer to need us; and balancing and keeping that relationship healthy is really important.

And it’s cool when you can take a relationship that you have with a client and watch it turn into more than just a client relationship. It becomes really cool when your clients become your biggest fans.

Because when they become fans, they:

  • talk about you more
  • they recommend you more
  • they give you more work.

And there’s a real simple formula to creating raving fans out of your clients, and I’m not gonna take a whole lot of time on this, but it’s real simple.

You want to give them, your client, more value than they think they’ve paid for.

Basically, you want to give them, your client, more value than they think they’ve paid for, okay?

You want to provide so much value to your client that when they sit back and think about what they’re getting from you.

And, you want them to feel like, “Wow, I am getting way more than I paid for.”

They should feel like —what they’re getting—is cheating you. You want them to have that sense that—they are getting lots of free bonuses just because they’re working with you; because you do so much and provide so much value to them.

Add value to what you’re already doing for them

As you’re working with your clients, think about ways that you can easily add value to what you’re already doing for them.

And the extra value shouldn’t take you a ton of extra time.

The extra value shouldn’t take you a ton of extra time.

The perception for your client is…you want them to feel like they’re getting all this extra stuff from you—for stuff that they feel like they didn’t pay for.

When you do that for your clients, they turn from just being regular clients into a fanatic—wanting to do work with you; to keep coming back to you more and more, and referring people to you.

That’s how you build some really great client relationships.

Wanna see some great examples of value others have used to make fans of their clients?

If you wanna hear some ideas, check out this post in our free Facebook group. We’ve got people sharing ideas on how they provide value to their clients in ways that doesn’t take a lot of effort but provides big impact.

Our group is facebook.com/groups/freelanceonfire.

But, what if I don’t have many clients? No problem!

If you don’t have any clients right now, I can show you how find some.

The 10 Perfect Clients Challenge designed to help people who:

I’m offering a free 10-day challenge that I’m going to be teaching called 10 Perfect Clients.

  • don’t have existing clients,
  • have been thinking about freelancing and don’t know where to start,
  • are scared to death at the thought of finding clients.

During the 10-day challenge, I’m gonna walk you, step-by-step-by-step, showing you how to find the clients, how to pitch the clients, and what to say.

Click here to sign up for the free 10-day challenge.

At the very end of the challenge, you will have clients that you can start working with?


Clients you can start turning into fans!

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