Written by Mat Casner

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Freelance CEO Podcast
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I’m looking for four designers

A Day In The Life | 0 comments

I have adopted more of a laidback business in the past few years.

And, I love the pace of my work/life balance.

But, lately, requests for my time to do some great project work has come in from every direction.

And, as such, the past couple of days have been busy.

Busier than normal.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining.

I’m simply deciding which work is best for me and putting it on my schedule.

It wasn’t always like that though.

Projects were inconsistent.

My pricing was all over the map.

I didn’t have confidence in my proposals.

Scope creep was plaging me.

I was overdelivering, undercharging and facing burnout.

It took me years to get it all dialed in to the business that it is today.

But, it really all came into focus when I shifted how I saw myself.

I quit being just a designer, and became a business owner.

Once that shift happened, other big shifts started happening.

Things started clicking.

Selling got easier.

Projects became more profitable.

Referrals for great work came regularly.

I would love to closely work with four designers who are established but want to invest in themselves to make big, significant shifts in their businesses in a one month commitment.

30 days to big change.

Is this you?

Hit reply and let me know.

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