Written by Mat Casner

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Inspiration: Why Freelancers Need It & How to Find It

Branding & Marketing, Mindset & Strategy | 0 comments

If you’re like me, sometimes inspiration flows, and sometimes…it’s just crickets. Here are some tips for freelancers looking for inspiration, and reasons as to why it’s so important to keep the flame of inspiration burning brightly. Read on, or watch the video of my Facebook Live training by clicking below.

Why Freelancers Need Inspiration

Without looking for ways to keep inspired, it’s easy to retreat within our own minds, which let’s face it, has limited resources. For this reason, it’s important to keep looking outside ourselves and open our minds to new possibilities.

1. Inspiration encourages excellence

In an imperfect world, perfection is impossible to strive for – but excellence? That’s another story. Seeing excellence challenges mediocrity and ignites a need to strive for something better. And by bringing out our own excellence we inspire others to do the same, helping us all to elevate and refine our own craft.

2. Inspiration ignites creativity

Creative stagnancy is death for freelancers – inspiration will help you get out of a rut and get those creative juices flowing again!

3. Inspiration helps us to see what’s possible

By letting ourselves be inspired we can choose to see possibilities rather than limits!

Tips for Freelancers Looking for Inspiration

1. Walk

Inspiration is all around us! Get away from whatever you’re doing and take a walk, let the mind empty. Appreciate the perfection of nature’s design and see what comes to you!

2. Read!

Reading opens us up to possibilities, making worlds imagined and real come alive in our minds. If reading actual books isn’t your thing, audiobooks can be a terrific way to absorb information without having to read.

3. Listen

Similarly, podcasts often help me realize what I could (or even should) do in my business. When I need to solve a problem, podcasts on the subject sometimes lead me to resolution.

4. Get a Coach

Finally, the coaches in my life have been incredibly important to me. I let them show me not only what is possible, but how to actually implement those possibilities. Using mentors has helped realize it’s okay to ask for help AND let them show us the things we don’t even know we don’t know!

Because of my mentors, I decided to share my own experiences with freelancers and those looking to start freelancing, in my IGNITE coaching membership.

I hope these tips for freelancers looking for inspiration have helped you feel energized and ready to actively seek inspiration! For more like this and to connect with others on their freelance journey, join my Freelance on Fire Facebook Page or join my 1K in 3 Days Challenge and learn how to kickstart your freelance journey!

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