Written by Mat Casner

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Freelance CEO Podcast
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Leaving a Legacy

A Day In The Life | 0 comments

The little town I live in is Mound City, KS.

It was founded in 1855, six years before Kansas became a state.

My wife, Regi and I, moved here with our young family in 2001.

In 2006, I started my freelance design business full-time.

And, our small house, now with 4 little children, was feeling pretty full.

A building on Main Street in Mound City was for sale.

The price was right and we were able to get the financing, so we bought it.

It’s been my office building ever since.

Tonight, I spoke at our local historical society annual meeting.

I’m helping them to promote some of the historic spots in our town.

After the meeting, there was a table filled with some old photos of Mound City.

My eyes were drawn to a photo of my office on Main Street.

From 1901.

My building looked exactly the same, but the street was dirt.

And, there were wagons and horses tied to hitching posts right off the sidewalk.

I paused before pulling out my phone to take a photo.

That building has been through a lot.

It has endured more than 125 years of history, weather, wars, economies and business owners.

And, in 2025, it’s still standing.

My business is just one of many that have operated out of that building.

But, after seeing that old photo, I’m encouraged to do more than just run a business.

I want to build a business that will allow me to leave a legacy.

Looking back, it already has.

It has supported our family for over 18 years.

It has helped my wife and I to raise 4 children.

It has helped us support and invest in many passions and causes that matter most to us.

But, as I think about the future, I wonder how much more impact I can have through my business.

A mentor of mine says frequently, “The more money you make, the more impact you can have.”

What a great motivation to you and me to keep moving forward and to keep building.

You’ve got this!

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