Written by Mat Casner

let’s connect

Freelance CEO Podcast
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I want to hear from you!

A Day In The Life | 0 comments

My brain is finally starting to thaw out.

The past couple of weeks in Kansas have been really cold.

You might be able to relate.

Our most recent 8-inch snowfall has almost melted completely.

It’s seems like Spring is right around the corner.

Although we could still get some winter weather between now and then.

The warmer temps have been great.

I can finally walk outside without bundling up like Ralphie’s brother from A Christmas Story.

In the spirit of the changing seasons… I’m planning trainings for March and April.

I love sharing my favorite tips, tricks, and design business hacks with you.

And, I hope you’ve enjoyed stories along the way.

But, here’s the thing.

I need your help.

I want to make sure I’m sharing information that you actually want to learn!

So give it to me…

✨ What’s something you’ve been dying to learn more about when it comes to running a profitable freelance design business?

✨ Are you designing just for fun, as a side hustle, or are you dreaming of turning it into something bigger?

✨ What’s one thing you feel like is holding you back from being successful?

Your feedback will help me create trainings and share content that actually makes a difference for you.

I can’t wait to hear what’s on your mind!

You’ve got this,

Whenever you’re ready, here are 2 more ways I can help you grow a more profitable and predictable business:

The Balancing Act

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Learning from losing

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