Written by Mat Casner

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Recurring Revenue School kicks off in 45 mins… You’re invited!

A Day In The Life | 0 comments

I hope this finds you well and warm.

Maybe you’ve heard me talking lately about the Recurring Revenue School.

Well… today, we are getting started.

Our kickoff call is today at 10am CST.

If you’re interested in the idea of building recurring revenue into your business…

That’s what the RRS is all about.

During the kick-off call, I’m going to walk with you through every aspect of recurring revenue process.

I’ll help you figure out:

  • The most profitable recurring offers based on your current skills
  • The most efficient way to sell them
  • How to keep your clients happy and paying for years.

I have just recently opened up registration for founding members.

And founding members are getting an incredible deal, just $17.

Do you have a question?

Just hit reply and ask.

I answer every email personally.

I hope you’ll join us.

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