Written by Mat Casner

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Freelance CEO Podcast
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Seasons Change

A Day In The Life | 0 comments

It’s warmer than 55 degrees today.

Just two weeks ago, we were in single digits.

Next week is forecasted to be cold again.

But for today, I’m wearing shorts!

In Kansas, we joke that if you want the weather to change,

Just wait a day.

Today was a reminder that winter won’t last forever.

Season’s change…

It’s a natural occurrence.

It’s not surprising.

When I started freelancing, I was in full feast or famine mode.

Income was unpredictable.

And, then after a couple of years, I realized something.

I stepped back and analyzed my sales over the past couple of years.

Projects really slowed down for me between Thanksgiving and the middle of January.

Like clockwork.

I observed some trends in Q4 and made notes.

Holidays and vacations kept people out of the office.

Office activity slowed and,

My client’s annual budgets dwindled.

Then, magically, projects picked up after the first of the year, when budgets refreshed and people got back to work.

I learned to plan for the Q4 slump.

I don’t freak out.

I ramp up promotions.

I spend more time in business planning.

I enjoy extended time with family during the holidays.

I save during Q1-Q3 so the Q4 slump doesn’t hurt as bad.

Take time to understand the seasonal ups and down of your business.

You’ll be better prepared and a smarter business owner.

You’ve got this,

~ Mat “bring on short weather” Casner

Mat Casner | Freelance CEO, 511 Main Street, Mound City, KS 66056
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