Written by Mat Casner

let’s connect

Freelance CEO Podcast
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Unfashionable Success

A Day In The Life | 0 comments

You’ve invested a lot of time and money to get where you are.






Shiny objects.

But, how much of it is paying off day in and day out?

I hear you.

You invested money in developing your brand, creating marketing tools, developing your image online, and praying for your prospects to reach out to you.

If it were truly that easy, we all would be thriving.

However, ask any successful business owner who has stood the test of time.

In nearly all hard times, it was a call or a conversation that paved the way for a breakthrough.

In the old days (before the internet) and zoom…

We put things in the mail.

Put gas in our car.

Picked up the phone (the one connected to the wall).



Phone line.

The more mailing pieces we took to the post office,

The more in-person conversations we had, and,

The more calls we made,

Ultimately determined our degree of success.

I’m not saying we need to send more mail or burn more gas.

Yet, today, it’s incredibly fashionable to focus on all the trends, tools and strategies that can set you up to succeed yet overlook the strategies that are guaranteed to help you succeed.

What if happen if you start tracking the calls you make,

the conversations you have,

and the experiences you create?

These activities don’t scale, but they do produce lasting results.

Just something to consider.

Good L.U.C.K.

(Labor Under Correct Knowledge)

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