“What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.” -Mother Teresa
Having an opinion and shouting it out never mends a broken relationship. Being consumed in one’s own selfish ambitions never allows one to see or meet the needs of another. It would be great if each one of us could mend the fences that are right in front of us. Making the small, conscious decisions to put someone else’s needs ahead of our own is actually the way to make a huge stride toward healing our broken world. I love my family… I love them a lot. The mean the world to me. But if I am unable to maintain and foster peace, understanding, forgiveness, grace and unconditional love in my own family, then I will have no chance of sharing such amazing values with the humans around me that so desperately need it. I hope this will nudge you to lift up your eyes from this post and notice those that are around you and see if, just maybe, someone nearby needs to experience some genuine kindness. This is a reminder that I need to hear and remember too.
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5 Lessons Learned from My First Freelance Project
Each of us have an origin story.I don't share mine very often.But today's email comes from an older blog I wrote that explains my origin story as a freelancer.I think the lessons I learned are still relevant.When I got my first freelance project, there was no way I...